The iPad has long been the world’s top tablet, far outselling offerings from Samsung, Amazon and other competitors. In recent years, however, Apple has diversified its dominance, introducing a tempting array of iPad models and options.

Would you prefer the iPad Mini, Air or Pro? In Space Gray or Rose Gold? 256GB of memory, or will 128 suffice? How about adding the Apple Pencil?

No matter your work or entertainment needs, there’s bound to be a model (or four) you find compelling.

Despite all of your options, new iPads are more affordable than ever, with much more attractive price tags than earlier generations. The bad news? Relative to other brands, iPads can still be pretty pricey, especially if you choose supercharged specs or add high-end accessories.

So what’s the best way to get your hands on Apple’s latest and greatest product without going broke in the process? Offset the cost of your brand new iPad by selling or trading in your old one.

While you may be yearning for an upgrade, don’t dismiss the value of your current device. Even if your iPad is a couple years old, selling it could put enough cash in your pocket to make buying a new one possible.

To be clear, we’re not just talking about iPads in pristine condition. Even if your tablet shows signs of wear and tear, plenty of buyers will be more than happy to take it off your hands.

In fact, if you have a used iPad to unload, finding potential buyers likely won’t be a problem.

Instead, you may encounter the opposite challenge. With so many ways to sell your iPad (in person or online), it can be difficult to know how to get the best deal.

Consider all of the options at your disposal.

Big box retailers and online resellers will readily offer you cash or in-store credit for your old iPad. Apple has its very own GiveBack program, allowing you to convert your device into an Apple Store Gift Card. For those willing to try a DIY approach, platforms like eBay and Craigslist offer direct access to potential buyers. Even Amazon has a trade-in program for used tech.

Some people love researching alternatives, scrutinizing each possible buyer. But if you're just looking for maximum value with minimal hassle, sorting through these options can be intimidating and time-consuming.

To make matters more complicated, selling an old tablet raises privacy concerns. Once you part ways with your old iPad, how can you be sure its new owner won’t have access to your data?

Before turning over a device that holds your most intimate information, you’ll need to wipe it completely clean.

Thankfully, selling your iPad doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. With a clear understanding of your options and necessary precautions, turning your tablet into cash can be surprisingly simple. That’s why we created this ultimate guide to selling your iPad, covering everything you need to know to get a great price.

First, we’ll help you assess whether your iPad possesses resale value, explaining your options even if your device is seriously damaged. Next, we’ll walk you through the timing of your sale, showing how iPad values decline over time.

From there, we’ll discuss various kinds of potential buyers, from eBay to Apple and resellers like us. With each option, we’ll transparently discuss the pros and cons, so you can decide which works best for you.

Last but not least, we’ll show you exactly how to wipe your device of all personal data, restoring it to its factory settings.

With our step-by-step instructions, you can ensure that your info is protected before you and your iPad part ways.

Ready to buy a new iPad by tapping into the value of your old one? We’ve got all the info, advice and insights you need to make it happen. 

Is My iPad Eligible to Sell?

Generally speaking, potential buyers of your iPad will have one of three goals in mind: Scrapping it for parts, using it themselves, or refurbishing it to sell to someone else. 

But no matter what buyers plan to do with your device, the age, condition and specifications of your iPad will determine their degree of interest – and how much they’ll pay to acquire it.

Accordingly, it’s best to approach this process with reasonable expectations. If your device is broken beyond repair or many years past its prime, you probably won’t walk away with a hefty chunk of cash. In some instances, simply recycling your device might even be the easiest route.

By the same token, however, many people assume that their devices are worth nothing just because they’ve sustained some damage. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially if you find the optimal buyer.

While we can’t speak for every potential purchaser out there, here are some general guidelines for assessing whether your iPad is too old or damaged to sell, and what to do if that’s the case. 

Is my iPad too old to sell?

The short answer is probably not. Your iPad was likely made recently enough that it retains some cash value – especially if you’ve taken good care of it.

Currently, only one iPad model is so outdated that most buyers aren’t interested: The original iPad, which first hit stores in 2010.

While this tablet was transformative in its time, its components seem deeply antiquated today (remember the 30-pin USB connector?). Additionally, the original iPad can’t support the latest software, from recent operating system updates to popular apps.

As a result, resellers like us typically won’t make an offer on this iPad iteration. Even Apple’s own GiveBack program doesn’t list the original iPad as a potential trade-in (if you select “other iPad,” they will offer to recycle it for you).

Amazon does represent an exception. The ecommerce juggernaut will offer to buy your original iPad, but for a miserly sum of $6.

Thankfully, if you have any other iPad model, you’ve still got some selling potential.

Take the iPad 2, for example, which first appeared in 2011. At, we’ll offer up to $50 dollars for this iPad model, contingent upon its specs and condition. That’s a nice bit of cash for a device several years past its launch date. 


Is my iPad too damaged to sell?

Most buyers of used tech don’t expect perfection. Devices naturally acquire smudges and scratches over the course of their use. While cosmetic damage may knock down your offer, you’ll still have plenty of options for selling your tablet.

Of course, if you have taken particularly good care of your iPad, your trade-in offer may be especially sweet.

Most buyers assess the condition of used devices along a spectrum. They’ll consider iPads that range from brand new to broken, adjusting the price they’ll pay accordingly. At, we use five separate categories to describe device condition, so you can get an accurate offer on the tablet you’re hoping to sell.

Assessing the Damage: How We Ask Sellers to Describe Their Devices

Brand New

Still in factory original packaging. Comes with the box and all accessories sealed/untouched.


Has absolutely no scratches, scuffs or other marks. Looks brand new


Shows mild to moderate signs of wear. Contains light scratches, dings or dents.


Shows moderate to excessive signs of wear. Contains heavy scratches and/or dents.


Deep cracks or broken parts on either screen or body of the item. Bad ESN falls in this category. Water Damage does not.


You may be surprised to learn that we often pay large sums for iPads with visible issues. Even if a device has visible cracks or dents, we sometimes offer $100 or more, particularly if the iPad was recently released.

However, all this information comes with a caveat. The value of your iPad plunges if it won’t turn on.

In fact, you may have trouble finding a buyer at all. Currently, we don’t make offers for nonfunctioning iPads, even if the device is in immaculate cosmetic condition. We’re not alone in taking this approach. Apple’s GiveBack program automatically suggests recycling any iPad that won’t turn on, no matter how recently the device was released.

For those with nonfunctioning iPads, a few possibilities remain.

Amazon, for example, will accept devices that do not power on, though their offers rarely exceed $10. Other online outfits may offer slightly more for an iPad that won’t operate, but please exercise caution before proceeding with a sale. If the site receives overwhelmingly negative reviews or otherwise seems sketchy, it may be best to skip the transaction. 

What should I do if my iPhone is too old or damaged to sell?

If your iPad’s age or condition makes selling it impossible, we still hope you’ll consider recycling it.

Electronics waste is a pressing global concern, accounting for tens of millions of tons each year. And while virtually all of the world’s e-waste is recyclable, merely 15 to 20 percent ever makes it through the proper channels. Thankfully, a number of companies and organizations make it easy for you to dispose of your iPad in an environmentally conscious manner.

  • The most obvious option may be Apple’s GiveBack program, which allows you to recycle your device entirely free of charge. If you live close to an Apple Store, simply drop by with your old device. If you don’t, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping kit so you can mail your device away at no cost.

  • Big box retailers offer another simple solution. Best Buy offers free device recycling and Staples does as well. Just walk right in, no appointment necessary.

  • Last but not least, several nonprofit organizations are willing to help you recycle electronics responsibly. To find the nearest recycling station near you, we recommend checking out Just enter your zip code to find a number of local options, plus info about the kinds of devices they accept.

When Should I Sell My iPad?

When it comes to selling used tech, time is almost never on your side. In all likelihood, your iPad will only decline in value moving forward. There are rare instances in which prices increase marginally, but these temporary upticks are always followed by a fall.

In other words, there’s no reason to hold onto your device in the hope of increased demand down the road.

Of course, if you’re still enjoying your iPad, you may not feel the need to sell it immediately. But if you do intend to sell at some point, you can maximize value by taking action now.

Of course, with so many different iPad varieties in existence, it’s hard to generalize the rate at which your device’s value will decline.

Moreover, your iPad’s cosmetic condition will determine how much value it retains through the years. But because buyers respond to market conditions, one thing is absolutely clear.

If you get an offer for your device, don’t expect it to be there months later. 

Trade-in Value: The Decline Over Time

To demonstrate the downward trade-in trajectory, let’s consider a single example: How much various iterations of the iPad are worth right now.

For the purposes of this article, we’ve aggregated the maximum price we currently offer for each generation of iPad, assuming the devices are in flawless condition and feature the maximum amount of storage. To keep things simple, we excluded the Mini, Air and Pro variations from this chart.

In the spirit of transparency, we can’t guarantee that these figures will be accurate at the time you’re reading this guide. Because the market for used tech is continually shifting, our offers may have changed since we compiled this data.

iPad Model

Launch Date

Current Maximum Offer on

iPad (6th Generation)



iPad (5th Generation)



iPad (4th Generation)

Late 2012


iPad (3rd Generation)

Early 2012


iPad 2



iPad (Original)


No Offer


To understand these current offer values, it’s helpful to know that the iPad’s retail price has dropped since device’s early years. The first three iterations of the iPad started at $499, whereas the 6th generation had an initial price tag of $329.

In some cases, owners of relatively new iPads can sell their devices for nearly as much as they paid for them.

Still, even seriously outdated models can offset the cost of a new device. With brand new iPads now retailing for about $330, $50 represents a sizeable portion of the purchase price. 

Look Out for New Launches

As one might expect, the launch of a new iPad model sends the value of earlier iterations plummeting. As shoppers camp outside of Apple Stores for the latest generation, old iPads tend to lose their lustre – causing potential buyers to significantly reduce their offers.

In light of this pattern, it pays to sell your iPad before the next iteration comes out. If you can do without a tablet for a few weeks, you could get significantly more cash by selling before the launch – and then spend it on the newest version.

In recent years, Apple has been introducing new iPad models in the spring, typically in the middle of March. Yet iPad launches sometimes occur in the fall as well, when Apple conducts its annual September showcase.

Additionally, because the company rolls out new versions of each iPad model on varying schedules, it can be difficult to determine the best time to sell your particular device. A new version of the iPad Pro, for example, might not alter the value of your iPad Mini much.

If you’re hoping to sell before the next generation hits shelves, we recommend tracking launch rumors.

While can’t keep track of all Apple-related rumblings (and many are way off-base), check in every couple of months to keep from being blindsided. Macworld is a good resource for staying in the loop on any impending launches.

How Should I Sell My iPad?

As we mentioned earlier, iPad owners enjoy a virtually endless array of options for converting their used tablets to cash or store credit. And because each category of buyer offers distinct advantages, no single method trumps all others.

In this section, we’ll break down the pros and cons of your various options, allowing you to make an informed choice. With a clear view of all possibilities, you can select the selling process that reflects your own priorities. 

eBay and Craiglist

  • Pros: Cutting out the middleman can increase your payday

  • Cons: Individuals buyers can be flaky or frustrating, and eBay charges hefty fees

The appeal of these methods is real. When you deal directly with interested individuals, they’ll probably offer a higher price than any business can.

By eliminating the intermediary, you and the buyer can both get a great deal – no one else is making a percentage.

Still, the potential drawbacks of this DIY approach are numerous.

Interest on these platforms can be unpredictable, and you may need to sift through lowball offers (and oddball buyers). Craigslist arrangements can easily fall through, and you need to be safe about meeting up in person.

eBay offers a slightly smoother process, with clear protocols for shipping and protections for buyers and sellers. But these privileges come at a price.

eBay charges a 10 percent of sales fee (and even more in some cases).

Unethical buyers are another concern on this platform. In the case of a dispute, eBay’s processes favor the purchaser.

If a buyer claims that you lied about the condition of your phone, you could be in for an uphill battle. 


  • Pros: Like all things Apple, the GiveBack program is smooth and intuitive

  • Cons: Compared to other resellers, Apple offers much lower values for used devices. Plus, you can only exchange your device for store credit, not cash.

Some sellers will appreciate the trappings of Apple’s official trade-in program: GiveBack is exactly as slick as you’d expect it to be, with intuitive prompts guiding users through a polished online process. If you live near an Apple Store, the in-person experience will be similarly posh.

Unfortunately, dealing with Apple directly is unlikely to result in an attractive offer. If you’re willing to venture beyond the aura of the brand itself, other resellers will typically buy your device for much more.

Additionally, Apple GiveBack only offers Apple Store gift cards, so you’re stuck spending with them.

Still, GiveBack might be prudent in some scenarios. If you have limited time and want to buy a new device in person, you can just bring your old device along to the Apple Store. That one-stop-shop will cost you, but it could be a good option if you place a premium on convenience. 


  • Pros: Amazon pairs a straightforward process with a wide buying range. They’ll take iPads many other outfits won’t touch. 
  • Cons: Other resellers often provide better prices. Any offer you get can only be redeemed for Amazon credit. 

Amazon’s trade-in program operates much like Apple GiveBack. They’ll make you an offer and send you a prepaid shipping label. Once your device arrives, they’ll confirm it matches your description and provide Amazon credit in the amount promised.

If they dispute the condition, you can accept their revised offer or get your device sent back. Even nonfunctioning devices can fetch a few bucks, whereas Apple will politely refuse them.

In this case, getting store credit rather than cash isn’t a huge problem. After all, what can’t you buy on Amazon? The more important consideration is price.

Amazon deals with all kinds of used tech in massive volumes, and their offer system is hit-or-miss.

Before pulling the trigger, it might be worth seeing if you can do better elsewhere. 

Big Box Retailers

  • Pros: With some big box brands, convenient retail locations let you take care of your trade-in just a few hours. For others, the process of shipping them your iPad is fairly easy as well.

  • Cons: You’ll get store credit for your used device, rather than cash. Additionally, these corporate establishments aren’t exactly generous when it comes to their quotes.



In recent years, some of the country’s biggest retailers have partnered with a platform called CExchange to facilitate tech trade-ins. The process is shipping-based and operates on the same principles as Apple’s or Amazon’s.

You answer questions about your device, and get an offer. Once you accept, they provide a free shipping label so you can send your iPad in. After they inspect your device and confirm its condition, you get a gift card for the store in question. Walmart, Target and Costco all run tech trade-in programs on this basis.

Best Buy’s trade-in program offers an additional benefit. At many store locations, you can also conduct your exchange in person. For those who dread dealing with shipping, this could be an attractive incentive.

Unfortunately, these retailers’ offers are often a bit disappointing, especially if your device is in great shape.

For the brands operating via CExchange, for example, sellers can only indicate one of two categories: “Working and Intact” or “Broken or Damaged.” Accordingly, if your device is basically scratch-free, you’ll get the same offer as you would for a device that has visible blemishes. 

Trade-In Sites Like Ours

  • Pros: Other than eBay or Craigslist, resellers provide the highest offers of cold, hard cash. This method blends great value with minimal hassle. 

  • Cons: Not all sites are created equal, so we urge you to do your research. 


Here’s how sites like do business: We buy used devices from people like you, refurbish them however we need to, then sell them to buyers looking for great value.

Because there are plenty of trade-in sites out there, we know we have to earn your business with competitive offers and a painless exchange process. As a result, our customers get fair value for their devices and a stress-free experience. And unlike big retailers, trade-ins are all we do. Accordingly, we’re always finding ways to optimize prices for consumers.

While we’re proud of the value we provide, we want to be transparent. In some cases, sellers will reasonable select another route.

The main alternative would be taking the sell-it-yourself approach on eBay or Craigslist, which could produce a higher cash offer. If you’re willing to supply the extra time and effort that process requires, more power to you.

Another issue with resellers is reliability. With so many trade-in sites operating currently, some are more ethical than others.

That’s why we offer several industry-best assurances to our customers, including a total satisfaction guarantee. We separate ourselves from the pack with customer service so that you’ll send more devices our way. 

What Should I Do Before Selling my iPad?

However you decide to sell your iPad, you’ll need to remove any traces of your use before moving forward. Even if privacy isn’t your top priority, you don’t want to leave messages, passwords or metadata behind.

Fortunately, the operating system on your iPad makes its pretty easy to cleanse your tablet completely. By following a series of simple steps, you can eliminate all information stored on your device – and save it the cloud for safekeeping.

Here are all the instructions you need to remove your data and restore your iPad to its factory settings. 

Backup Your iPad with iCloud

Before you begin to wipe your device, conduct an iCloud backup. Doing so will ensure that you don’t lose anything essential – and facilitate a smooth transition to your new iPad if you upgrade. Even if you’ve scheduled regular iCloud backups already, it’s smart to conduct one manually right before you start the final cleanse.

To conduct an iCloud backup on your iPad:

  • Confirm your device is connected to WiFi
  • Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup > Back Up Now

Sign Out of iCloud, iTunes and the App Store

Once your last backup is complete, it’s time to sever the connection between your iPad and your Apple account. The process will vary slightly depending upon which version of iOS you’re running currently, but signing out is pretty simple.

For iPad owners using iOS 10.3 or a later version, here’s how to sign out of iCloud:

  • Go to Settings > [your name]
  • Scroll down and select Sign Out
  • Enter your Apple ID password and select Turn Off

If you’re still using iOS 10.2 or an earlier iteration, follow these steps instead:

  • Go to Settings > iCloud > Sign Out
  • Select Sign Out again, the tap Delete from My Device
  • Enter your Apple ID Password
  • Go back to Settings > iTunes and App Store 
  • Select Apple ID and the tap Sign Out

Erase All Content and Settings

Once you’re signed out of your account, the real wipedown can begin. You’re going to restore your iPad to its original state – before you left you ever used it.

Here’s how to erase all content and settings:

  • Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings
  • Follow all subsequent prompts, including inputting your Apple ID password and/or device passcode if necessary.

Remove SIM Card (WiFi + Cellular Models Only)

If your iPad is configured for cellular service, you may want to remove your SIM card before you sell it. The SIM card tray is located in different places in various iPad models, so consult this guide from Apple if you need help finding it.

To remove your SIM Card:

  • Insert the end of a paperclip into the small hole directly next to the SIM Card tray.

  • Push in gently until the tray pops out from the body of the iPad.

  • Remove your SIM card from the tray.

  • Return the empty tray to the device.

Market Value Made Easy

We hope this guide helps you get a great price for your old iPad – and a whole lot closer to a new one.

While all the options for selling old devices can seem overwhelming at first, consumers ultimately benefit from this variety. By assessing potential buyers in terms of convenience and price, sellers can select the method best suited to their preferences.

Of course, we’d love for you to sell your iPad to us, and we take pride in providing industry-best offers. But even if we’re not the right fit for you, we hope the information we’ve shared helps you proceed with confidence. After all, selling your used iPad should result in some extra cash  – without any extra anxiety.

Plus, once you get the hang of selling your used tech, you may even come to enjoy it. Whatever kind of device you’re looking to get rid of, come to us first for appealing offers and a transparent process. From iPhones to iMacs and tons other products, we’ll give you a fair price in just seconds, totally hassle-free.

We’ve also got you covered in your search for an upgrade. Our certified used devices come with a 6-month warranty, meaning you can trust in the quality of our tech. You choose the cosmetic condition of the device you buy, so you decide just how much to save.

Whether you’re selling, buying or simply shopping around, we’re here to help with all your iPad needs. 
