It’s that time of year again where we have the opportunity to ponder over what we are all thankful for.  The list is endless – as we are sure it is for all of you.  There are a couple of things we are extremely thankful for and we wanted to take a moment to give our thanks.

Our Customers:

A company is only as good as their customers and we like to think, we have the best of customers.  Being a newer company, words of encouragement make us feel so much better!  A simple “Thank you” means the world to us.

To our repeat customers - some of you have become our friends. Whether it is by promoting us to your relatives or making sure we were all okay during the hurricane – we do really appreciate you all.

Our Team:

Our team works round-the-clock to make sure that our customers are satisfied. We promise a really quick response after an inquiry and this is only possible with our amazing staff that is always connected.

With such great customers, we all awake looking forward to coming in to work. At, we strive to have a fun working environment where everyone is highly motivated and where their suggestions, ideas and overall happiness are highly valued.

Happy Thanksgiving from us at!!

Hope you all enjoy the turkey and get to watch some good football!