Oh Siri, the infamous iPhone voice we all know and (mostly) love, she’s got jokes and can actually be pretty interesting company when you’re bored. There are tons of neat things Siri can do, but here at ItsWorthMore.com we enjoy sitting down and having a casual conversation with Siri from time-to-time. Today we talked Christmas with the iPhone personality, you should try it out. Here are 7 questions to ask Siri this holiday season:

To start, what are her beliefs on the big guy?

Siri knows if you’ve been good or bad? Uh oh!... Oh yeah, the iPhone can see where you’ve been and all of your pictures, whoops! Maybe we should get that cleaned up before Santa comes, I mean, if he’ll be stopping by at all...

I bet Siri knows if he’ll be coming.

Fingers crossed for the nice list! Let’s see.

Time to find out which list you’ve made this year.

Not the answer I was hoping for, Siri.

Well, we’ll have to talk to him ourselves...

No phone number? Darn.

Well, if he does visit, let’s see when he’ll be here.

Alright, time to get baking!

Let’s see where Santa lives.

Maybe we can send over our Christmas list… I need that new iPhone 6s, or maybe the Galaxy S6. Which should I get?!

And the most important question; what does Siri want for Christmas?

Sounds good to us too! Well, along with that new iPhone, of course, so I can sell this old phone.

Although Siri’s answers can vary each time you ask a question, we sure got a kick out of them. Entertain people at your holiday parties with these fun questions, or hand your iPhone over to the kids and let them talk to Siri about Santa—they’ll have a blast!

When you get that new smartphone this Christmas (we’re hoping for ya), don’t forget to check out ItsWorthMore.com’s prices before selling your old phone to anyone else!